Thursday, February 23, 2012

Week 24 - Weigh In

So remember how I was lamenting my hugeness? Well, I went in for my 24 week check-up today, and sure enough, I've gained EIGHT pounds since my last appointment. That puts my total weight gain at 20 pounds... meaning if I gained a pound a week between now and delivery, I'll still be up 36 pounds.

My doctor says I'm doing just fine since I was in such a health weight range pre-pregnancy. But seriously, how does one gain eight pounds in a month?

1 comment:

Krysta Nicole said...

I felt the same way...but don't worry! Your baby is growing a LOT and you'll be fine afterwards! Also, the weight gain usually slows down the last month...

You look beautiful and once your little guy comes you will be so in love you won't be worrying about the pounds...they'll come off!!! :)