Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Week 21

Week 21 (taken last Friday)

We're getting close to committing to a name.
The nursery is (very) slowly, but surely coming along.
Jon gave me a pedicure last week, as it's getting harder and harder to reach my feet.
I have actually outgrown a few pieces of maternity clothing. I didn't know that was possible.

I had my first hormonal meltdown. I had this realization of just how big I am and how much bigger I'm going to get and that there is nothing I can do about it for the next four months. I'm trying to enjoy the baby bump, but it's difficult to come to terms with rapid weight gain.

The fact that I ate a lot of doughnuts this morning sure doesn't help...


Krysta Nicole said...

You are more than halfway done! :) Wahoo!!!

I totally know how hard it can be to watch your body changing before your eyes, and the hormones don't help at all...but you look BEAUTIFUL and now that I'm on the other side, I can say (from my experience at least) that you don't need to worry. I had Harrison 11 days ago and I'm only a few pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight (and I'm not even trying to lose weight...I'm eating a TON). You are super fit and I am SURE that it won't take you long to get back to your normal self.

I know if feels like your body will never be the same again, but you'll be on the other end of pregnancy in 19ish weeks...and it'll all be worth it!

And if you want to eat donuts then DO IT and DON'T FEEL BAD ABOUT IT :)

PS: I am LOVING having a boy...SO EXCITED for you to have a little man to love :)

Ciara Hartzell said...

Ugh, I remember that feeling too. But what feels like fat to a pregnant woman looks adorable to everyone else. And your body is designed to snap back from pregnancy, especially with nursing.

I have a book about post-pregnancy weight loss if you want it (google "Body After Baby" by Jackie Keller). Helped me with Kisa. I bought it about halfway through my pregnancy and it made me feel better to know I had a plan for weight loss after she came. :)