Monday, December 5, 2011

Jon and I are having a baby! I'm due on 6-14-12.

For those of you who are my friend on Facebook, this is super old news. I wrote about it like THREE days ago. However, for those who aren't Facebook fanatics, this blog deserves an announcement as well. Especially because I will be writing here about how everything is going.

Today I'm 12 weeks and 4 days along. Everyone keeps telling me that the sickness typically goes away around week 12 - and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it ends for me soon. I started getting nauseous at the beginning of week 6, and it hasn't let up yet. Thankfully, I've avoided puking in public restrooms and embarrassing places but ugh, I'll be so happy if I go the rest of my life without ever throwing up again.

The average weight gain during the first trimester is 5 lbs, and I'm three days away from my second trimester and I've gained 2 lbs. I think the nausea probably has a lot to do with that, because I swear I've been eating constantly. I currently own two pairs of pants that fit, and just this morning I cut the elastic waist out of my leggings so I can wear them a bit longer. My belly isn't showing a ton, but tight clothes or really the feeling of anything touching my stomach makes me feel sick.

I'm heading out of town this week for a conference down in Portland. While I'm really looking forward to this conference (I had a great time last year!), I'm nervous to be away from Jon for 4 days. He's been invaluable the last several months - and it will definitely be a challenge to be on my own without his support for several days.

Until next time...


Allie said...

Congratulations! I have two gals in my office who are pregnant... It must be something in the SPU water!

Krysta Nicole said...

SO EXCITED for you!!! Now that I'm on the tail end of this whole journey...I can tell you that it's going to go by SO FAST, you'll be where I'm at before you know it! I felt like the 1st trimester dragged, and the 2nd was wonderful! Now I'm only about 8 weeks away from being a mama.

Can't wait to read updates on facebook and on your blog!!! You're going to be such a cute pregnant lady!!! :)