Wednesday, December 14, 2011

14 Weeks

I'm 13 weeks and 6 days along today.
My belly is no longer easy to hide.

Photographic Evidence

Yesterday I had the nuchal translucency ultrasound screening done. Basically, they're checking for signs of Down Syndrome in the baby. My results came back normal!

The best part of the screening was getting to see my baby again. The worst part was that the ultrasound was an hour and a half long! The tech couldn't get the baby to move into the right position, so she kept poking and pushing on my belly. Then she made me walk laps around the floor of the hospital, do toe touches, crunches, etc., to try and get the baby to move. By the time our appointment was over, I was sore and exhausted!

Baby Hunt

My nausea hasn't let up yet. I'm not sick all day like I was, but I've still been throwing up every morning. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that it ends soon! At least I have my appetite back (and then some). 

My next appointment is the first week of January, and at the end of January we'll get to learn the sex of our baby (although we MAY already know, thanks to our very immodest child and a chatty ultrasound tech).


1 comment:

Allie said...

Aww, you look adorable!